News | Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais


Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais - March 24, 2022

Annual general meeting notice

As of April 19th, 2019, members of the Coopérative funéraire de l’Outaouais can obtain a copy of the agenda, the minutes of the April 23rd, 2018 AGM, the summary of audited financial statements dated December 31st, 2018, and a copy of the annual report, which are available a tour facilities in Gatineau, Hull, Buckingham, Thurso and St-André Avellin.

Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais - January 8, 2021

Always ready to serve

We're still celebrating funerals

Coopérative funéraire de l'Outaouais - January 7, 2021

COVID-19 : A Support Guide for Mourning Alone

Coping with grief is hard enough. Doing it alone at home, far from the support of others, can be even more distressing. You may not be able to engage in the funeral rituals that are so inextricably linked to mourning. How then to commemorate your loved one without the usual gestures that can bring you comfort? The network of funeral cooperatives in Quebec offers various ways to support you if your family or friends cannot lend a hand at this difficult time. 

La Fédération des coopératives funéraires du Québec - July 6, 2014

Second International Summit of Funeral Cooperatives and Mutuals

We invite you to the Second International Summit of Funeral Cooperatives and Mutuals, which will be held in Quebec City, Canada from October 4 to 6 of this year. Lectures, panels and round tables will give you a better idea and grasp of the issues relevant to funeral cooperatives all over the globe.

News from our network - June 27, 2014

Seattle - Member owned Funeral Home updating its name

People's Memorial Funeral Cooperative will now be known as The Co-op Funeral Home of People's Memorial


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